Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP PLEASE. WHO AM I?  I don't know my name, but I've been around for awhile. My owner didn't want me any more. I guess its because I'm kind of old, and I can't see very well. I'm very overweight and my toenails are really long so it makes it hard for me to walk. Please give me a chance. If you help me, I can be a good dog for as long as I can.  Name: Unknown -- Dog; Male; Beagle; 12/yo; Special conditions: possibly blind, eye infection, overweight.
WHERE AM I?  Goldboro, NC
HOW CAN YOU HELP ME? (919) 344-1830 for Sandy or the shelter on Monday at (919) 731-1439. OR at least email me or Beth and say you can save him and we can help!!!!

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