11-8-15 Update:
Heddy Schmidt brought Mopsy and Flopsy in for vetting...the good news is that they ARE healthy...the not so good news is that they are about 14 years old...not 7, as originally thought!
So after living ALONE for TWO years ( only being fed by a kind person) they are truly desperate to find a HOME!They will NEVER survive a shelter...NEVER!
Please Contact Heddy Schmidt if you can even foster these two to save them...
HEDDY: 917-609-7810 OR EMAIL: heddyslp@gmail.com
Oct 29
Forest Hills Queens NY
Owner died 2 years ago-these cats have been alone since then-home being sold now!! Located in Queens and will go to NYACC if taken!
2 cats in need of adoption/loving home. A brother and a sister from same litter-Topsy and Mopsy about 10/11 years old. Declawed. One colored like an orange creamsicle and one is black/gray/white combo.
Cats have been living together in home with owner all their life. Owner, a nice elderly lady who always cared for cats, died 2 yrs ago and they have been living in isolated rooms (now basement) of house ever since as home has been updated to sell.
House has been sold recently and now time is of essence to find these beautiful cats a loving home. The new owner will likely put these poor sweeties out on the street or into kill shelter.
They are very sweet/loving, spry & energetic cats, yet understandably a little shy/fearful lately, as they've been alone virtually for two years since owner died.
A friend has been going to the home every day for two years to feed.
Cats appear to be in good health, though no updates on medical since owner passed. Person taking care of cats to feed says will pay if any needed medical expenses.
Please help these delicious (owner's words :)) cats to find a forever loving home. They need to stay together.
Cats located in Forest Hills, Queens. Near Forest Hills High School.
67th Ave/ btwn 108th st & 110th st.
Cats have been living together in home with owner all their life. Owner, a nice elderly lady who always cared for cats, died 2 yrs ago and they have been living in isolated rooms (now basement) of house ever since as home has been updated to sell.
House has been sold recently and now time is of essence to find these beautiful cats a loving home. The new owner will likely put these poor sweeties out on the street or into kill shelter.
They are very sweet/loving, spry & energetic cats, yet understandably a little shy/fearful lately, as they've been alone virtually for two years since owner died.
A friend has been going to the home every day for two years to feed.
Cats appear to be in good health, though no updates on medical since owner passed. Person taking care of cats to feed says will pay if any needed medical expenses.
Please help these delicious (owner's words :)) cats to find a forever loving home. They need to stay together.
Cats located in Forest Hills, Queens. Near Forest Hills High School.
67th Ave/ btwn 108th st & 110th st.
EDDIE: 347-956-1511
HEDDY: 917-609-7810
OR EMAIL: heddyslp@gmail.com