4-16-12 Wonderful news! All have been rescued!!Rescue cats in need of rescue About to close their doors, CLAWS needs to place *180 cats(*40 have been rescuedBy Ashley CLOUTIER
AUGUSTA — Located at 28 Pelletown Road in Augusta, CLAWS Animal Shelter is home to 180 cats — for now.
As of April 15, CLAWS will close their doors due to pressure from officials and health code violations. CLAWS founder and Laurie Walsh, 50, said “The County Board of Healthy and the NJSPCA say we aren’t complying with safety regulations because we don’t have concrete walls and floors. How are you supposed to put concrete walls onto a wooden frame? It just isn’t possible.”
CLAWS started when Walsh, working in Sussex Borough at the time, saw the number of stray cats around. Some were hurt, pregnant or injured, and Walsh knew she couldn’t continue to let them live on