"Simba is doing great. His appetite is getting better everyday. He has two and half weeks of restriction for heartworms. He seems to be doing great. I am attaching a picture of Simba and my daughter. Look at the smile on his face. Please tell everyone at Doggie Harmony thanks so bringing this precious baby to our family. Jerri"
Dear Rescue Friends,
I am reaching out for financial support for a
beautiful dog that was living in horrible conditions on the end of a
chain. I have found rescue for Simba, but before he
can leave for New England , he must
be altered and heart worm treated. He is very strong HW positive.
For meds, x-rays, 3 Emiticide injections, required
boarding, neuter, health certificate, 4X Snap test and transport fee to New
England , we need $947.00 total.

Simba is a wonderful dog, so sweet and trusting, even
after he was treated so badly. And he is a beautiful boy, inside and
If you can donate towards his care, we would be
very grateful. No amount is too small and every dollar helps. As always, you can donate through
Doggie Harmony Inc. We are a 501(c)3 non-profit animal rescue
organization. The PayPal account to donate is liz@doggieharmony.org This
will go directly to the “Simba account” to cover his upcoming treatment and
Or, you can send a check, made payable to Doggie
Harmony Inc. to:
Doggie Harmony
Please reference “Simba” on the
We would greatly appreciate your help. We ask
that you also please forward this e-mail to others so that we have a better
chance of raising the funds. Thanks so much.
Liz, Doggie Harmony
Simba's Story
In November of 2014, a matted, furry intact
male dog, a Husky mix, was spotted at the end of my road in a junkyard lot
beside a residence chained to a tree. My neighbor who texted me had seen him
there for several weeks, left on the chain 24/7. The length of the chain was
about 8-9 feet. It was raining, muddy, and there was a small plastic doghouse,
no bedding. A pink plastic bowl had about half an inch of water in it. The dog
looked sad and miserable. I approached the dog one day when no one was home, and
found he was friendly. He looked up at me with sad eyes, and was trusting.
My neighbor and I talked with someone who
had a rescue. She called Animal Control on the situation. Although they made a
visit, the owner lied to them and said the dog was taken in at night. I knew
from my own observation that the dog was on the chain night and day with no
break. I followed up with a phone call to AC myself and was told, "The dog
was fine."
The dog was not fine. But the dog
disappeared...... I assumed he had been moved off the property somewhere ELSE in Forsyth County . Other neighbors,
neighbors whom I did not know at the time but have since met, tell me he
suffered through the brutal ice storm we had, and then the snow a few weeks
later still on his chain behind the house on the property, where he had been
relocated. He was not fed dog food, but human leftovers like pizza crusts.
Around the first of March, I was in my
driveway when a car stopped at the top of my driveway. An old man, the owner of
that property at the end of the block, came walking down. He asked me if I was
the lady who was "into dogs." I replied, "Yes." He told me
a dog had been left with him by a friend of his son's, and that he did not want
it to go to the pound, and could I help. What I had hoped and prayed for had
come true! The dog was going to be free of a life of misery. He signed the dog
over to me and my pet sitter, friend and neighbor, named Julie. Through a
special grant at a local vet, he had his vaccinations and heart worm test given
to him for free. She estimates he is 6 years old. He has also been de-wormed. A
groomer in Winder, GA donated her services to shave and groom him. She had to
shave him to the skin due to the severe matting, but was able to leave the fur
on his head, giving him an adorable lion cut. My friend Julie and I named the
dog Simba.
The vet discovered he was strongly heart
worm positive. Three dots appeared on the SNAP test. He begins HW
treatment on Monday, assuming we can raise the funds to start treatment. My vet
in Marietta is able to give Simba rescue
discount and emiticide treatment for $600.00, including his meds, xray and
required boarding. He will have to have a series of 3 shots, rather than 2 due
to the strong positive test. He is a large dog, and needs a larger dose than
most smaller dogs receive. My vet says his heart and lungs sound really good,
and that Simba's blood profile looks good as well. His prognosis is great! 4-6
weeks after his last treatment, he will be neutered.

I am housing Simba in an indoor spacious dog
run. He loves having a soft giant round bed to sleep on rather than mud. It has
been difficult to get him to eat dog food. Finally he is eating canned dog
food, after a week of feeding him rice, chicken chunks and broth. Simba will
not eat the kibble I try to sneak in the wet food. One thing at time, I have to
remind myself.
Elizabeth Mansour <fidofriend@spamarrest.com>
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