Oct 4 UPDATE: Long Island, NY (transport available to APPROVED Home) A wonderful woman picked up these two kitties (easily by the way) and brought them to her vet for testing etc.! They are both BOYS, both under 3, both tested neg on combo test and both are BEYOND FRIENDLY!!!! Please consider adopting them or help us find them a REAL HOME!!! Tssh1@optonline.net
ORIGINAL POST: The man who "owned" them moved and was begged by his neighbor to take them...there WERE 3......He left and left them behind...they have been quite vocal, BEGGING for food and rubbing up next to anyone who comes near them...the 3rd kitty is now missing. We just found a wonderful woman to feed them for now BUT with the bad weather approaching, and them not being outdoor savvy, these 2 truly need a HOME or FOSTER. They are VERY FRIENDLY and Desperate for a HOME...
*From T: HOW? HOW? HOW? do people up and leave an innocent, dependent animal out to fend for themselves...apparently one did not make it. Heart breaking...
Contact me tssh1@optonline.net OR kathryntrukafka@yahoo.com
Contact me tssh1@optonline.net OR kathryntrukafka@yahoo.com
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