Sunday, August 5, 2012

*Update: 8-5-12 - Coco Needs Emergency Surgery

8-6-12:  Little Coco  crossed the Rainbow Bridge today.  Please keep his family in your prayers.

If chip in site is acting up, as it has been today. Please donate at:

Update: 08-05-12: Coco did not do well last night and had to be taken back to the vets this morning. He was in so much pain he could not move at all. Any movement would send him in excruciating pain. We even had to pull over to reposition him during the car ride during ride to vet. Vet said steroid shot was a must despite needing to wait for
other meds to be out of the system since he was doing so poorly. Was put on a number of different medications today and high doses of steroids to try and relieve the pain. Said it should kick in within 20 minutes. However, even an hour later, we did not see much improvement at all. I think we are down to a point where it will have to be surgery (if we can raise the money) or putting Coco out of his suffering. Vet wants progress report in 24 hours, if no improvement a choice has to be made soon. He is in so much pain. You can see Coco's whole story on Chip-in Page.

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