Tuesday, June 12, 2012

*Nash Co Animal Shelter, NC -Adorable puppies banded together for survival - FINAL PLEA

7/5//12:  All have been rescued!!!
All 4 managed to stay together. Please help them find good homes after all they have been through.
*From Shelley: These sweet little girls are still there. They have had NO prospects. The shelter is full.
This group of four young female dogs were picked up together. There were 6 total, but two had been hit by cars. These pups appear to be related, but vary in age. Some are a little older than the others. They seemed exhausted when they were put in their kennel, like they have been on the run along time. Their names are Emmie, Ember, Emily, and Emma. Emmie is so tiny! You can see from the group photo that these girls are very bonded. Their stray hold is up, they are listed as CRITICAL. The shelter euthanizes by gas chamber.
If you can help, please contact Shelley Milburn at shelleymilburn1@gmail.com. We do work with out of state rescues as long as you can cover vetting costs and arrange transport.
Please share! Thank you!

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