Macey's owners, unable to afford medical care for her, brought her in to be euthanized. Her guardian angel, in the form of a wonderful veterinarian intervened, knowing that Macey could walk again, and even if she does not regain full mobility, she can still love and enjoy life. She cannot stay at the clinic and the owners still want her put down. Please help us find her a new home!
I'm Carrie Ealy a veterinarian in Jefferson City, TN and I have had the pleasure of working with a little 7 year old female spayed dachshund named Macey who had a disk slip on
March 31st. She needed surgery when she came to me, but her owners couldn't afford it and elected to try aggressive medical therapy. She has been improving slightly but is improving. She currently cannot walk or stand without assistance but her pain sensation is intact and she is able to urinate and deficate on her own.
March 31st. She needed surgery when she came to me, but her owners couldn't afford it and elected to try aggressive medical therapy. She has been improving slightly but is improving. She currently cannot walk or stand without assistance but her pain sensation is intact and she is able to urinate and deficate on her own.
I don't know that she will ever regain full function, but maybe with some physical therapy and continued cage rest, she could at least learn to get around a little bit better than now. Anyway, her owners are not able to continue her care and had brought her in today to be euthanized. I was fortunately able to get them to surrender her to me so I could perhaps place her with a rescue. I am contacting any and all dachshund rescues in an attempt to find her somewhere to go as she can't stay in our clinic for very long. I would appreciate any help/advice you may be able to offer.

Thank you!
Carrie Ealy, DVM
Lakeway Animal Hospital
865-475-4786 (W)
865-978-1700 (C)
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