WHERE IS HE? Connecticut
HOW CAN YOU HELP? Contact Toni Diamond if you are interested in adopting. Tkdiamond@aol.com or call her at 856-498-8166.
Chip has the saddest face and eyes I've ever seen. They speak volumes and tell the story of a life that has been very heartbreaking. He is not demanding, he is grateful, he wants nothing more than LOVE.

Chip collected money monthly from the rescue for his care....he was a paycheck. Little love or caring was provided. Details about his existence would only break your heart- so, we will only post the obvious;
1. Chip was never vaccinated in the two years he spent with ...
his foster. In fact, he received NO MEDICAL care whatsoever during that time!
2. Chip had physical signs of neglect. He had jagged bite wounds that were left untreated. He had a leg seriously infected from dragging himself around with an open wound.

4. Chip starved for human contact and affection. He was sad and depressed and trembled with fear but begged for love.
5. Chip's two years of EXISTENCE with the foster was a LONG LONG time to be just "forgotten" day in and day out!

I can't imagine being left in a home, paralyzed day in and day out. I can't imagine what such an existence for TWO FULL YEARS WAS LIKE!! I can only tell you what I saw when I picked Chip up and we held him in our arms for the two hour trip to Top Dog (NY to CT). I can tell you he had the saddest face. He had the sweetest and quietest disposition. He was not demanding. He was grateful for warm arms that finally held him. He wanted nothing more but to melt into your arms and have you LOVE him!
I just wanted to hug him and tell him that everything was going to be alright...but, I would have been lying. Everything was NOT going to be alright...Not without someone to give him a home. Because, he would once again just be "existing". This darling, soulful, polite little brown dog would again patiently wait, day in and day out, for someone to care about him once and for all.

Chip wants to be "just your dog". He wants to go on livin' and play the hand that he's been given. He needs someone to care for him now more than ever, it's true...For there are things he just can't do. It's embarrassing, a little that he may need your help to piddle. But, if roles were reversed, he'd be proud to be your nurse. But, hey....he has the ability to love you unconditionally! Give up? Well yeah, like never!!! He does not regret what cannot be, he'll just be himself and he's still the same within his soul where it counts....he's still whole!!! His legs are lame, but in his heart he's still the same!!!!! (Julie Wrigley Smith)
*From M: Chip has been vetted and looked over from top to bottom to be sure he's healthy. He is up to date on all vaccines and he will come with his very own new wheelchair (that we are working on donations for). DO YOU HAVE ROOM IN YOUR HEART AND YOUR HOME FOR THIS LOVING SWEET BOY? HE WILL DEFINITELY BE WORTH ANY TIME AND CARE THAT YOU GIVE HIM...............BECAUSE I CAN ASSURE YOU HE WILL GIVE BACK SO MUCH MORE THAN HE GETS!!!!
Please reach out to Toni Diamond if you are interested in adopting Chip. She can be reached at TKDiamond@aol.com. For a good home I will make arrangements for Chip to be transported. And, if you don't have room or the time, please share this beautiful dog everywhere!!! It should be his time in life and I know he will be utterly appreciative of ANY KINDNESS!
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