The KGAC facility is located at 11377 Citizens’ Way, King George, VA 22485. KGAC is open 10:00-4:30 Monday thru Friday; 10:00-1:00 Saturday; closed Holidays and Sundays. All pulls must occur during these times.
Please know that KGAC http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/VA53.html has rules for adoption which are outlined in the following paragraphs. If you are building a separate webpage with photos that are contained within this email, please ensure that potential adopters are aware of these KGAC guidelines.
(1) Unsterilized animals may only be adopted by residents within King George, Westmoreland, Essex, Caroline, Spotsylvania, or Stafford Counties, and the city of Fredericksburg. Animals previously sterilized may be adopted by anyone. Residents of King George have first option on available animals, over other individuals & organizations. Other eligible adopters may adopt available animals on a first come, first serve basis. Animals may be transferred to other Agencies & Certified Companion Animal Rescue Groups per state law. (SEE http://law.justia.com/virginia/codes/toc0301000/3.1-796.96.html) SECTION C,1 FOR VA AGENCIES AND SECTION C, 5 FOR NON-VA AGENCIES. Please read all of the requirements before calling us. INCLUDE YOUR 501(C)(3) CERTIFICATION & ONLY MAIL/FAX THE REQUIRED INFO THAT WE NEED TO APPROVE YOUR AGENCY. THERE WILL BE NO FEE FOR ANIMALS THAT ARE TRANSFERED ON THE SAME DAY THAT THEY ARE AVAILABLE, BUT THERE WILL BE A $10.00 FEE FOR EACH ANIMAL TRANSFERED AFTER ITS AVAILABLE DATE.
(2) If you are an individual (not representing a Certified Companion Animal Rescue Group) interested in adopting an "Unsterilized" dog or cat, and you do not reside in one of above mentioned Virginia counties, you will need to contact a qualified 501(c)(3) organization to adopt the animal for you. KGARL is not able to adopt animals for individuals at this time.
(3) Those certified organizations that express interest in dogs and cats, if you have not already done so, please ensure the correct documentation is on file with the KGAC so that you may pull animals. KGAC will require the following required documents to be faxed (540-775-5770) to them as per Virginia standards: (a) the rescue’s 501(c)(3) determination letter, (b) the rescue’s "No Cruelty Disclosure" statement. The "No Cruelty Disclosure" statement must be on the rescue organization's official letterhead and signed by a head officer of their organization. In the "No Cruelty Disclosure" statement, add some words to the effect that no one in the organization has been convicted of animal cruelty, neglect, and abandonment. It must include all three words. (c) A letter stating that all animals will be spayed or neutered, and that the rescue’s organization abides by all rules of Virginia, as well as the rescue’s own state if applicable, and that the rescue keeps records in accordance with KGAC policies and procedures. After you have faxed your documentation, please contact the shelter to confirm that your documentation has been approved. Once your documentation is on file at KGAC, you are eligible to adopt dogs, cats, and other animals. Please do not send your paperwork to King George Animal Rescue League (KGARL). Please fax ONLY the required paperwork to KGAC at 540-775-5770.
(4) KGAC works on a first-come, first-serve basis for all rescues. They will not hold an animal for an individual or rescue.
(5) Please note that the KGARL, for which I am a member, is a non-profit group of volunteers that strives to help the animals at our county shelter, KGAC. However, KGARL is not affiliated with the KGAC and has no authority on animals at the shelter; the county Animal Control Officer has the final decision on all adoptions. I have personally never met these animals, and I rely on the information I receive from a different KGARL volunteer which is all included in this email. Please refer to our KGAC FAQ on our website, www.kgarl.org, if you have more questions about the difference between KGARL and KGAC.
Cathy Markwith, KGARL Member
King George Animal Rescue League
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