*From Jill: We just got a owner surrender senior here and we're in a rush to get her a live exit ASAP! WHO IS SHE? Pepper, ID#13816040 -- Its true, Pepper isn't a spry little puppy anymore, but she's got a lot of love to give! Pepper has cateracts, can't hear well, is a bit slow and is in desperate need of a grooming. Her teeth are pretty much what you'd expect a old dogs teeth to look like, but she is eating and drinking well. I called Peppers former family to see why exactly they surrendered her. They said they have had her since she was 8 weeks old and brought her to our over crowded shelter because they got a new puppy and the pup is picking on poor old Pepper. Pepper grew up with a slew of children and has always been wonderful with...
them. She was housebroken, but with the loss of most of her vision Pepper now uses housebreaking pads. The one thing that the former owner repeatedly mentioned is that Pepper loves to be loved. We're desperate for a rescue to save Pepper so she can get out of this scary place and get all the attention she wants.

HOW CAN YOU HELP? Contact Jill Sweeney, Life Saving Department at
267-385-3800 or jsweeney@pspca.org. Please let me know if you think you can help!
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