WHO AM I? My name is Savannah. You see, I haven't been able to hear since I was born, and now I've gone blind. But I'm a happy dog and I can be your best friend. I just need a little extra attention.... not much. If you give me a chance, I'll show you so much love. I can find my food and water, and I can even use a doggie door. But I'm not too good with stairs. Please read more about me below. Name: Savannah, purebred Jack Russel Terrier, 15 lbs, housebroken; gets along with other dogs; possible allergy to grain.
WHERE AM I? Richmond, VA
HOW CAN YOU HELP ME? Please contact Mvtanito@aol.com if you can help find me a good home.

*From the owner: "good day...i have a jack russel that has gone blind...she was born deaf and we saved her from destruction because she was the pick of the litter but because she was deaf the breeder was gonna have her put down....now that she has gone blind she can no longer go down the back deck steps the use the rest room....if i was healthy, i could take her down the steps to do that but i am in a tough cancer fight and i do not have the strength to do that as i can hardly do it for myself...is there an organization out there that would take her and NOT put her down? she really is a sweetheart and finds her food and water with no problem, she even finds the doggie door to the back deck, she just doesn't go down the steps so she does her business on the back deck....i really want to find her a good home as she deserves more than i can give her.... thank you in advance...."
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